Friday 23 November 2012

Car Day

Mummy and I had to drive Daddy to work early this morning so we had the car for the day!

I was a bit tired, as I'd not been sleeping very well. 

I didn't want Daddy to go out this morning, so tried to sit on his camera bag, but it was ok, as I went in the car as well!

After we'd driven, we went home for breakfast, and then went to take Izzy for her morning walk.

Then we headed to Mummy's slimming group where I did some lovely colouring.  Mummy says I can take the ipad next week.  There were lots of other children there this week.

We went shopping to Tesco on the way home and we had lunch before I fell asleep.  I had a lovely nap.

It was very cold and rainy outside, so we didn't go out in the afternoon.  We played, and did colouring, and I'm getting very good at building my tower blocks.

Mummy made curry for tea, so we had that before Daddy got in.  I like Daddy coming home and I wrestle with him and Izzy tries to join in.  That makes me laugh!!

Tuesday 20 November 2012

Lazy Monday

Because Mummy and Daddy had been away for the weekend, they were tired on Monday.

So we didn't rush about and Daddy slept in till late in the morning, and me and Mummy stayed in our pyjamas for a bit.  Mummy is dieting so only had a weetabix for breakfast, but I had a treat!  I was allowed nutella on toast.  It makes me happy.

And a bit messy!

After we'd walked Izzy, we went to Sunbeams a bit late, but I was better behaved than last week.  I only hit two children.  Mummy was still cross at me though.  I started making friends though and we ran about playing a sort of 'tig' game.  I liked running.   I also made a collage picture.  I love drawing at the moment and Mummy cut out shapes for me, which I stuck onto my picture.  We made a boat on the sea.

I had a good nap after my lunch.  Then we went to the post office, and a craft shop.  Mummy says I can be a king in this year's church nativity.  I like that idea more than being a sheep again like last year.  We have some purple fabric and gold bits and bobs for mummy to sew for me.
This was me last year.  I know, I looked cute, but it was very warm!!

I'm not sure whether I'll like dressing up yet or not.  But I'm sure I'll like Christmas!

Monday 19 November 2012

Stay at Grandma's!

I have been a big boy and on Friday Mummy took me to Grandma's. Aunty Amy and cousin Martha were there and we sat and played with toys together, and I handed Martha toys she couldn't reach.  Mummy said I was a good boy!

Then Mummy went away for the weekend and I stayed with Grandma and Grandad.

We had fun! On Saturday they took me to the Christmas parade in town.  I sat in my buggy and watched the floats go by, and then Santa came out pulled by real reindeer!

I got a bit upset when I went to church on Sunday and Mummy and Daddy weren't there.  But I liked seeing them later when they were back in time for bedtime.

They read me a nice bedtime story about a bear in a cave afraid of the dark then I went to sleep.  I was glad to be home but I'd had a nice time away!

Monday 12 November 2012

Monday Time

Today I got up at seven and shouted for 'Mama'.

We went downstairs (I like how promptly Mummy comes to get me out of my cot when I yell) and had breakfast and I was having fun lining all my cars up.

We then went for a walk to give Izzy a run.  I helped hold her ball launcher and we enjoyed the fresh air and looking at the autumn leaves.

At ten o'clock we went to Sunbeams.  Mummy got a bit cross with me as I went around hitting other children in the face.  Mummy says she doesn't know why I do it, and I had to sit on the carpet on my own after she told me 'no hitting' lots of times.  I still did a bit of hitting though.  I think I just want to play with the toys they have already.  I should stop it really though.

I got very tired during the singing time and wanted to go home, so we left just before the end.  I managed to stay awake for eggy bread for lunch (I love to dip mine in a bit of ketchup) and the had a nice nap.

Mummy tried to get me to do marching songs with her in the afternoon, but I wasn't impressed so we went out for a walk again to feed the ducks.  We saw some swans as well.  I don't share bread with them though.  I just eat it.

Daddy came home early although I'm calling him 'Teve' at the moment.  We had a fun time playing before dinner and I had a lovely bath before bed.  I love baths.  I get all splashy!

Friday 9 November 2012

Fun day Friday

Today I was up early and Mummy took me to 'Story and Rhyme'.  We looked at a book together and then sang some songs.  I loved the musical instruments and had fun banging on a giant drum!,

Then we went for a long walk with Izzy and threw the ball for her.  I got out of my pushchair and played in the leaves.  I found big leaves and small leaves and a huge pile to sit in!!

After lunch I had a nap and then we played with my toys and read my books from the library.

Then later on we went away for the weekend and visited Granny and Grandpa in Devon.  I went to sleep in the car and woke up at 10 and decided to play till the early hours!

We had a lovely weekend and went out to visit some woods for a walk, but I was a bit tired from my busy night.  We went out for tea at Nandos and I loved my pitta and hummus and ate a bit of chicken leg and sweet corn.  It was fun and I liked it.

I like weekends away.

Monday 5 November 2012

My First Post

Hello. My name is Joel. I'm 18 months old.  My birthday is in April.  I live in a small town in the middle of England, in Great Britain.  I have my Mummy and my Daddy and a dog called Izzy.

This is me now:

And this was me when I was born.

My Mummy has started working part time this week.  She tried to go part time earlier but it's only just been allowed.  So now on Mondays and Fridays it's just the two of us.  And I'm going to write here what we get up to.

Today was our first day and we went to a toddler group for the first time.  There were lots of nice toys to play with, I did a firework picture with chalk on black paper that Mummy and Daddy thought was so good it should go up on the wall, and we had a snack time and a story and sang songs.

I was so tired afterwards I couldn't stay awake for lunch and fell asleep on the sofa so ate mine after a good nap.

Then we went to visit the library to borrow some new bedtime stories, visited the park for a run around and a go on the swings, before coming home to play with building blocks and towers.  Mommy tried to get me to sort them by colour but I prefer to jumble them!

I went to bed after playing with Daddy when he got in from work and a cople of bedtime stories, one new one and a favourite one about bears and daddies.

I'm going to see Grandma and Grandad tomorrow so that will be fun too!